Front-End Engineering
Who am i and what do i do?
Devang Paliwal
UI Guy
So what is Front-end Engineering?
Engineering responsible for VIEW SOURCE
Why is it important?
20% - 80% rule (Server / Browser)
Who are frontend engineers?
Dictate browser what to do. Last line of defence for a company before a product is experienced by users.
Why are FE Guys important?
Intersection of design, strategy/company goals, backend
What are the challenges?
HTML, CSS, JS, BOM, DOM, Specs, implementations, platforms, browser modes, data formats,
Browser bugs and many more.
Apart from this
Front End Technologies
evolves rapidly and keeping pace with the changes is itself a challenge.
Kickass Front End Guy
Front end Engineers
build web interfaces
help users achieve their goals asap
Detour : How browsers work?
- Request and Load HTML
- Tokenize and parse html
- Construct DOM Tree
- Request other resources like images, stylesheets, scripts
- Apply style info to the dom tree nodes
- Generate Layout of the page
- Paint
80% - 90% of the total
response time
is spent on the previous mentioned tasks
Minimize the time spent in the browser before the page is painted
- Protocol for exchanging req and response between client and server
- Request methods : GET, POST, PUT, HEAD etc
- GET request + If modified Since type
- Keep Alive
- Expiry
- Accept-Encoding
How can we minimize the time taken in the browser before the page is rendered?
Ex: too many images, use sprites, inline images, image maps
Expiry headers
Advantage of cacheing
bypass restriction of 2 connection per domain at a time
Scripts at bottom
Page rendering is not blocked
Link tag in head
Avoid FOUC + scripts asking for style info will get them